Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Really pathetic

Today I found out my daughter is engaged by reading on my Facebook.


  1. All I can say is ... wow that's tacky

  2. That is very sad, Terri. I am sorry for you. But have you thought of sending your daughter a card, or sending her a Facebook message wishing her Congratulations? Maybe the will open the door to communication. Good luck!
    Best regards,

  3. Terri! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a message. Don't feel badly -- ALL of our kids disappoint us at one time or another; we are their mothers and just have to "suck it up" and accept it, no?? Good for you for calling your daughter and congratulating her -- again, that opens the door to future GOOD communication! Now go and make a nice cross-stitch thing for her and send it to her, in honor of her happy news! Please visit me again! :)
